On-Demand Quality Control Services

Whether you are preparing your property for a Management and Occupancy Review, navigating staff turnover, or simply need assistance in a pinch, DeSilva Housing Group can provide on-demand quality control services that can help owners identify patterns of noncompliance that might be developing.

Our audit assessments include guidance to self-correct issues before they translate into a finding and/or a widespread error with a significant financial impact.

View our efficient, cost-effective offerings, with transparent pricing to aid in your selection of focused quality control services to meet your property’s needs. If you feel you need a more comprehensive assessment with a broader scope of work, ask us about our Pre-MOR Assessments.

If you’re looking to get started, click “Purchase” and you’ll be prompted to fill out some details for us. Interested in more than one service? No problem! Just let us know on the form. We’ll send you a consulting agreement at the beginning of the engagement and align on our plan.


Provides a thorough review of the actions taken on the active waiting list within the last 12 months to ensure all required information is being recorded on the list and that applicant selection is in accordance with the property’s Tenant Selection Plan. Specific emphasis will be placed on ensuring preferences are being appropriately applied, income targeting requirements are being met (Section 8 only), and appropriate unit size assignments are made. Auditors will ensure the list is being maintained in an auditable manner and that notes are recorded to explain why any applicant was skipped in the selection process.

This service includes the creation of an annual waiting list update letter consistent with established TSP policies. These proactive assessments often help owners avoid potential Fair Housing investigations and costly legal services.

$300 per hour


Includes a post-signature review of a maximum of 15 full certifications (comprised of Move-in, Initial, Annual, and Interim Recertifications) completed by property staff. We will assess the content of each completed certification packet in accordance with applicable program regulations to ensure all required documents were included and appropriate verifications were obtained to support the household’s eligibility and/or rental calculation. Assessment includes a review of the applicable EIV reports, required within the certification packet, and resolution steps taken, if applicable.

$300 per hour


We can examine one or more specific reports for a specified date range that is maintained in the property's EIV Master File. We will confirm that the report was printed according to the defined frequency in the site's written EIV Policies and Procedures and that the documentation includes the required resolution detail to mitigate identified issues.

$300 per hour


Sometimes clients are unsure whether a policy is compliant or whether potential changes to reflect business practices are permitted. We will review the current version of a policy (i.e., a Tenant Selection Plan, House Rules, EIV Policy, or Pet Policy, etc.). We will compile an assessment summary that identifies any areas of noncompliance and provides feedback regarding the client’s requested edits. Clients can then determine to what extent they need our assistance in making policy revisions.

$300 per hour


Within the client’s TRACS Software, DHG will review the status of ongoing tenant subsidy repayment agreements to ensure installment payments are being collected correctly, transactions are reported on the vouchers appropriately, and ending balances concur with records maintained by the PBCA (if assigned). This is a crucial task necessary to prepare for TRACS 203A implementation.

$300 per hour


DeSilva Housing Group will request evidence of the security deposit dispositions processed for move-outs for a specified timeframe to ensure refunds and/or demands for payment were sent timely and in accordance with state/local laws and HUD guidelines. Staff will also review the reasonableness of any damage or cleaning charges included. This assessment also includes a review of the security deposit amounts collected for current residents to ensure these align with program and/or state specific requirements and are consistently charged.

$300 per hour


Owner records lacking evidence of ongoing security training continues to be a very common MOR finding in our industry. Our team will facilitate required annual security training for all staff with access to documents that include Privacy Act protected data. We will ensure appropriate documentation and certifications are generated for the personnel records to include EIV and TRACS Rules of Behavior, Cyber Awareness Training, TRACS recertification, and EIV CAAF and UAAF recertifications for applicable staff.

$100 per individual